Deep Relaxation

The Value of Daily Deep Relaxation

In my meditation classes I usually begin with a guided meditation that focuses on deep physical relaxation. This is because I believe that deep relaxation is the single most valuable simple thing that anyone can do for their health and well being, outside of getting proper sleep, water, and nutrition. While other forms of meditation or relaxation also have value in this regard they are usually concerned with different goals even though relaxation may be involved. For example gardening, golf, or a walk in the park may be considered relaxing, and they are to an extent in that they may get your mind off of stressful thoughts, but I’m talking about something far more powerful. The relaxation meditation we do is focused only on one thing – deep relaxation of the body. This usually does not happen in stress-reducing activities or even in sleep.

In his ground-breaking book The Relaxation Response, Dr. Herbert Benson discusses his research in helping people overcome the deleterious affects of stress. He measured the effects of meditation on people’s physical and mental well being and discovered that in meditation there often came a point where significant changes occurred in things like blood pressure, heart rate, nervous tension, anxiety, and many other measurable physiological and mental responses. He called this phenomenon the “relaxation response” and has continued to study it and the effects of various meditative practices since the book was published in 1975. His latest book is “Relaxation Revolution”.

The relaxation response does not usually happen in sleep but occurs in meditation, hypnosis, or intentional relaxation. The closest thing to what I recommend is called Yoga Nidra, which means Yogic sleep. See the Meditation Resources page for more on this.

In my own research into deep relaxation over the last 40 years it is clear to me that it actually turns down and sometimes turns off our internal programming – the unconscious reactions that cause stress and almost every other unwanted condition we experience. Various discomforts, symptoms, and physical, mental, or emotional conditions can disappear during a course of deep relaxation. Even when the results are not spectacular, eliciting the relaxation response always helps.

I used to get several headaches every week. I was able to reduce the frequency, duration, and intensity of my headaches after doing relaxation exercises in the ‘70’s. As a result of daily deep relaxation my average body temperature was reduced to 97.4 degrees F and often goes to 96. I have also successfully turned off physical symptoms of many kinds through prolonged relaxation. To get these kind of benefits it is important to do this meditation at least once daily for 15 minutes or more. If you make this a habit you can get amazing results in stress reduction, a stronger immune system, and most of the other factors in the “benefits of meditation” list. You will find a brief instruction in deep relaxation below in the Hypno-meditation instructions. Or attend one of my meditation classes where I take you through the whole process.


Hypno-meditation is a combination of self hypnosis and meditation and may be called by any of these terms. Find a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted for about 20 minutes. Sitting is usually better than lying down because it prevents you from falling asleep.

Take three slow deep breaths while fixing your attention on a spot on the wall in front of you, preferably higher than your line of sight. Close your eyes and begin doing progressive muscle relaxation, relaxing each part of your body in succession. Start with your feet, then legs, hips, back, front, arms, shoulders, neck, head, face etc. Do this slowly and repeat the cycle to relax your entire body. Do this for a few minutes continuing to relax any tense areas deeply. See how relaxed you can get. This is of great value in and of itself if this is all you were to do for 20 minutes.

Now, while continuing to relax, begin an imaginary walk through a safe and beautiful landscape. Preferably walk downhill, perhaps along a winding road in the mountains with a wonderful view. Tell yourself that with each step you are going deeper into relaxation and comfort where all stress, thoughts, and troubles are evaporating away. Notice colors, sounds, smells, and let the experience become real and vivid. When you find yourself daydreaming or distracted in other thoughts, just bring yourself back to doing the meditation. This is not a test but an exercise; It may be very difficult to do but are many benefits just in doing it and your concentration will improve with practice and you will be able to stay focused for longer intervals. Finally when you feel ready find a place in your vision to sit back and close your eyes.

In this relaxed hypnotic state suggestions and visualizations become very effective. A suggestion is a statement, affirmation, or image which you wish to program into your inner mind to work for you automatically. Your inner mind will take such suggestions and make them true especially when they are often repeated over a period of time. Here are some suggestions which you may repeat to yourself over and over for a few minutes before “awakening”. Use a “process” oriented suggestion like: “I am getting better [or stronger, more confident etc.] every day. This condition (whatever it is such as warts or procrastination) is fading away, becoming less and less every day until it is completely gone, and it is gradually being replaced by (whatever you want e.g. perfect health, confidence etc.) Or my wanted condition (success, abundance, health) is getting better every day. Write your suggestions out beforehand. You especially want to picture the end result and feel absolutely comfortable with it.

Do this for the duration of the 20 minutes. When the time is up, bring yourself out of the meditation by counting from 1 to 5. Say “I’ll be wide awake and refreshed on the count of five”. Then count to five and say “awake now” and open your eyes. This isn’t essential but gives you time to adjust. You don’t need to do the actual suggestions or visualization for more than a few minutes. For the desired effect it is more important that you do this daily for about three weeks or until you get the results you want.

You may find that after you have practiced this meditation for a few days that you are more relaxed in your daily life. You may have more energy and find yourself in a brighter mood more often. You may find you sleep better or other improvements like lower blood pressure, fewer headaches, less discomfort, better health, concentration, and memory and other changes. The more you meditate on a regular basis the more benefits you will experience. Sometimes people have interesting or unusual sensations or experiences in meditation or as a consequence of doing it. If you have any such experiences that are uncomfortable they are best ignored and should pass. Otherwise they can be resolved using ID-R in the Personal Insight ProgramTM.

© Copyright 2009 by Dennis Alsop, Personal Insight Program™ Phone: (209) 462-2339


These are some of the books I’ve found to be of exceptional value  in the years I’ve been doing this work:

Books I Highly Recommend


The UltraMind Solution – Hyman
The Body’s Many Cries for Water – Batmanghelidj
Fat for Fuel – Mercola
The Gabriel Method – Gabriel
The Truth About Addiction and Recovery – Stanton Peele
Fatland – Greg Critser
Health for the Millions – Herbert Shelton
Fasting Can Save Your Life – Herbert Shelton
Diet for a New America – Robbins

Success and Self Improvement
First Things First – Stephen Covey    (time management)
The Aladdin Factor – Jack Canfield    (how to get anything you want – ask)
How I found Freedom in an Unfree World – Harry Browne
Unlimited Power – Anthony Robbins
Awakening the Giant Within – Anthony Robbins

Relationships and Communication

The Continuum Concept – Liedloff  (Raising Children)
When I Say No I Feel Guilty – Manuel Smith    (self assertiveness)
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus – John Gray    (relationships)

Meditation – Enlightenment
Silence of the Heart – Robert Adams
A New Earth – Eckhart Tolle            
The Best Guide to Meditation – Victor Davich
The Three Pillars of Zen – Philip Kapleau
Be As You Are – David Godman [free at website]
The Practice of Zen – Garma C.C. Chang
The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle
The Nag Hammadi Library – Robinson

Personal Transformation and Healing +

EMDR – Shapiro
The Stranger in the Mirror – Steinberg
Divided Mind – Sapco
Trauma and Recovery – Herman
The Trauma Model – Ross
The Great Psychiatry Scam – Ross
The Power of Focusing – Cornell
Psychedelic Healing – Goldsmith
The Myth of Mental Illness – Szasz
The Assault on Truth – Masson

Books about Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

The Future of the Body – Michael Murphy    
The Discovery of the Unconscious – Henri Ellenberger
Self Hypnotism – Leslie LeCron        
Psychology of the Unconscious – William Kelly                    
Regression Hypnotherapy – Randal Churchill    
Trances People Live – Stephen Wolinsky
Mind Body Therapy – Cheek            
Become the Dream – Randal Churchill (Hypnosis and Dreams)
The Story of Psychology – Morton Hunt    
Trance Zero – Adam Crabtree (peak performance)
The Osiris Complex – Colin Ross (Multiple Personality)